Asthma: an overview of a chronic lung disease

Asthma ist eine chronische Lungenerkrankung der Atemwege

Lesedauer: 3 min This article provides an overview of the lung disease asthma, including its definition, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment options, prevention tips and real results and figures from the TOM medication app of asthma patients.

Tilidine FAQ

Tilidin Tabletten und ein Likörglas

Lesedauer: 3 min Tilidine FAQ – What you should know about the medicine If you take or are prescribed medication, it is important to be aware of its use, effects and side effects. This article is about tilidine, a powerful painkiller commonly used to treat pain. Here you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions […]

Drug interaction check

Eine Hand mit vielen verschiedenen Medikamenten: Kapseln, Pillen & Tabletten, die Wechselwirkungen haben können und einen Wechselwirkungscheck brauchen

Lesedauer: 3 min Drug interaction check explained The right combination of different medications and their dosage are crucial for safe & successful treatment. To make sure you can combine your medications, many pharmacies offer an online drug interaction check service. Learn why you should take advantage of this offer in this article. What are drug-drug interactions? Drug-drug interactions […]

Depression: how antidepressants can help

A lego figure

Lesedauer: 3 min More and more people are suffering from depression. The severity and symptoms are wide-ranging. Children and adolescents are also affected more frequently these days. Anyone who feels depressed or powerless over a longer period of time and can rule out physical causes – such as vitamin D3 deficiency – can be helped by antidepressants after consulting a doctor. The most important thing here is the regularity of intake.

Coronary heart disease: How to keep the heart fit

Lesedauer: 3 min It is one of the most common heart diseases worldwide and can lead to heart attacks as well as cardiac arrhythmias and have other serious consequences. We are talking about coronary heart disease (CHD for short) – a disease in which the heart is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Older people are particularly affected. Right at the beginning, however, the good news: With a change of lifestyle and regular intake of medication, this disease of the heart can be treated well.

Allergies: Managing medications cleverly

Nasenspray, Tabletten und ein Taschentuch vor einem blühenden Baum

Lesedauer: 2 min Allergy sufferers know it all too well: If the immune system comes into contact with an allergen, the body reacts allergically. Sometimes the allergy can only be controlled with medication. For these to work, they must be taken regularly. This is where the TOM app comes in: with daily reminders on the smartphone, it is an active help against forgetting.

TOM Medications | Support in daily medication management

Ein Mann nutzt die Tom App, um seine Medikamente zu managen.

Lesedauer: 2 min Many chronic diseases exist worldwide, affecting the lives of millions of people every day. Not only dealing with the disease itself, but also often comprehensive therapy plans and daily medication prove to be a burden for those affected.

High blood pressure: keep a cool head

Ein man treibt an einem Sandstrand auf dem glasklaren Wasser während er entspannt eine Zeitschrift liest.

Lesedauer: 2 min High blood pressure is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Some of the causes of high hypertension are obesity, little exercise and stress, combined with a hereditary predisposition. If high blood pressure remains untreated, secondary diseases can occur – mostly in the cardiovascular system.

Diabetes: staying in balance

Gesunde Nahrung hält ihren Insulinspiegel in Balance.

Lesedauer: 2 min It is considered one of the most widespread diseases in the world: Diabetes, also known as “diabetes”, is a metabolic disease that can have severe consequences. “Diabetes mellitus” refers to various diseases that are based on a metabolic disorder. An elevated blood sugar level is the result.

Increased therapy adherence, the TOM app can do it

Lesedauer: 9 min According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only about half of people suffering from a chronic disease take their medications as prescribed.[1 Other studies also report similar numbers, varying by disease.[2] This should alarm patients, healthcare providers, payers, business and the public sector alike, because the negative consequences of this non-compliance with prescribed treatment, called treatment infidelity, are enormous. We describe why patients find it difficult to follow treatment recommendations.

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